Animals at home: pets or pests?

Nowadays, millions of families share their lives with one or more kinds of animal species - dogs, cats, insects, rodents, reptiles, birds, just to mention some of them. But, why do people do that? Having animals at home imply readapting ourselves so we offer these species the best conditions away from their natural habitats. However, for some people this human tradition is nothing but human cruelty: cages, restrictions, and animal abuse. What do you think, should people have animals at home or not?

How come you don´t like English?

Learning, at least, one Foreign Language is a Must-Do these days. However, people are reluctant to take up any sort of course where learning a language is the ultimate goal. Why do people usually have problems when learning a Foreign Language? Does Learning Languages is encouraged at Home? Why should we learn different languages and would be the best methodology to do so?

Breaking up: two separate ways

I have always thought "Love does not last forever" - at least that is what life has shown me so far. There is a time for sharing with somebody else - there is a time when we look for someone whom we want to share our time with. Unfortunately, different circumstances lead us into one decision: breaking up. What should people do right after making this decision? Is being "good friends" possible afterwards? How long should people wait until start looking for a new couple?