People are very different from each other!

Everybody in our family is a special person. They are serious, lazy, hard-working, responsible, moody - in other words, they are like you or me. Choose one person in your dear family and compare him/her with you. Write one short paragragh (30-40 words) using different comparative statements (e.g. My brother is 2o cm. taller than me. - My grandfather is the tallest person I know.).

Getting inked: Tattoos are cool!

We are not born with them but many die with hundreds all over their bodies. Why do they do it? Tattoos have been part of human cultures right from the beginning. However, their true meaning has changed dramatically - from social status within a close community to a trendy fashion style among young and adventurous people. Why is it different now? What do you think of the people who like wearing tattoos? Would you like to have a tattoo? What kind of tattoo? Where? How much money are you willing to pay for it? How much pain can you tolerate? Think about it and write your opinion.

Cosmetic Surgery: should I do it?

Nowadays people are always looking for the perfect body - they go on extreme diets, do a lot of exercise and have a healthy lifestyle. However, Science, Medicine in particular, offers a more practical and effective solution: cosmetic surgery. Nonetheless, there are many questions we should think over before making such a radical decision: Should I undergo an always risky cosmetic surgery? What part of my body could I improve? How many cosmetic surgeries can I afford? Am I going to be a different person after the surgery? Am I doing this for the wrong reasons? Is my self-esteem going to be affected? Think of these and other questions and write your opinion.