How can I be part of the solution?

When there is something not working pretty well we must find a way to fix it. However, not everybody is willing to contribute, specially when the solution demands sacrifice and true commitment. Now, think of yourself as a University Student - throwing rocks or proposing solutions? What can university students accomplish when using violent ways to express their discomfort? What would be an effective mechanism to implement practical, democratic alternatives? Think and tell.

Movies that rock!

I love going to the cinema because I like watching movies - but just the good ones. I have always thought the kind of things that happen in the films might happen to me - that one day I could be like them, like a hollywood star: being chased by a 1o-meter horrible creature at night, trying to save the world from an alien invasion, meeting the girl of my dreams right after a natural disaster, and things like that. And you, What would you like to "experience" for real that you saw in a movie? Is your life a Drama movie already? Or a Comedy? Would you like to be part of a hollywood production someday? What kind of story would tou like to star? Tell us all about it.