Movies that rock!

I love going to the cinema because I like watching movies - but just the good ones. I have always thought the kind of things that happen in the films might happen to me - that one day I could be like them, like a hollywood star: being chased by a 1o-meter horrible creature at night, trying to save the world from an alien invasion, meeting the girl of my dreams right after a natural disaster, and things like that. And you, What would you like to "experience" for real that you saw in a movie? Is your life a Drama movie already? Or a Comedy? Would you like to be part of a hollywood production someday? What kind of story would tou like to star? Tell us all about it.


Anonymous said...

Do u think you'd find the girl of ur dreams behind the big screen? haha... ok... So then, keep on lookin' for her! Seems like u do not trust in real life... only Sci-fi ¬¬

Unknown said...

I do love movies, it is my favorite hobby after playing tennis. Nowadays, unfortunatelly Hollywood is only interested in earning money so this people have forgotten producing good flims, they have had excellent ideas for filming but they have wasted them because they only want to make their films quickly. So, I have gotten to like independent films.

Juan s. Mariño said...

Well, I love movies too. I have watched movies really wonderful, and most of them are not from Hollywood. The Hollywood’s movies always have a commercial or something that makes you wake up in-between the movie’s running. But the French movies, German movies, they have something about life; they told us something about the relationships, the family. I don’t want to have or to live some movie story, I like the way that the life is showed through the screen; for example in Amelie (Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain – 2001), Amelie`s life is so awesome, and she is not a spy, or have special powers, not a mutant; She only find the little but happiness things that every body can find in their life, but we never see that, we are not able to see the magic in the world. That is the reason why I love movies, I love the way that they show us a magic world.

Unknown said...

I'm goint to take Juan S. Mariño's advice on start watching french and german movies, I think I'm too involved in commercial movies that Hollywood are trying to sell us! maybe because I love special effects :) but is true that we are letting pass beautiful things in our real world waiting for a movie scene in our lives, we are waiting for the perfect life, and we are missing the good and off course the bad things that comes everyday, idealizing things that aren't real. I promise stop waiting for a prince charming, stop looking for radioactive spiders to bite me, trying to answer all the questions on "who wants to be a millionaire" and defitinely stop pushing my car to transform in bumble bee :) thanks :D