Show me the Money!

People must work in order to earn some money for their own - this is the simpliest definition of Modern Society. However, we not always do what we love doing - there are millions of cases of people who must do things they do not like doing - the salary is bad, the boss is stressing, the daily schedule is chaotic, their colleagues are the worst people ever, among other things. Then, what about you? What is your dream job like? Does it require a lot of theoretical/technical trainning? Is it well-paid? Does it involve working with people? Is it Outdoors or Indoors? Is it dangerous? Does it involve travelling? Do you have to make crucial decisions? Tell us all about it.

Dig in!

There are a lot of different places we might go to looking for delicious dishes. However, not all the places are the same: prices, service, ingredients, among other factors to take into consideration. Where do you usually like going when eating out? Why? What do you look for when searching for "A Great Place to Eat!"? On the other hand, which are the worst places to eat in town? Why? Please, be a food critic for a moment and be honest!