Show me the Money!

People must work in order to earn some money for their own - this is the simpliest definition of Modern Society. However, we not always do what we love doing - there are millions of cases of people who must do things they do not like doing - the salary is bad, the boss is stressing, the daily schedule is chaotic, their colleagues are the worst people ever, among other things. Then, what about you? What is your dream job like? Does it require a lot of theoretical/technical trainning? Is it well-paid? Does it involve working with people? Is it Outdoors or Indoors? Is it dangerous? Does it involve travelling? Do you have to make crucial decisions? Tell us all about it.


Unknown said...

I'm an accountain tecnology, but I would like to be accountant, this job require a lot of responsability for the company, it is well-paid if I'll have lucky in work in a big company.
Mainly I'll be an accountant for help to my dad in his company, no more. He need a accountant, and I would like to work in his company, because I know of the company and I dont have problems with the employees. It isnt dangerous and maybe I'll travel for the company sometimes.

Daniel Vergara said...

I am studing Sistem Engineering Since I was in my high school first year, I knew what I wanted to study at university.
When I was a child my mother bought a computer, then, the love starts, I enjoy studing about tecnology. That is why I am study Sistem Engineering and I love it.
But I am worried beacuse I don`t know what to do when I end my career I don`t want to be one of that people who study a career, but when they have a job, they hate it. They only work in this because they must work in order to earn some money for their own.
When I end my career I would like to work like a sistem engineer, it is well-paid and I will enjoy it.
But my real dream is teaching young people, I love teaching isn`t well-paid, but I don`t care because I really love it.

Anonymous said...

I think that it subjetc have relation with the desicion of my studies in the university, because
if I choose a good election for me I can be happy in my job even if I haven't a good remuneration or if my boos is a bad person. The second hand, happiness isn't only money.The family is very important because they can help you when you have a problem. Now, is possible that you must do things that aren't nice in a moment in your life, then the primary is that you will be a persistent person and you will can go sucessful in your way.

Unknown said...

my perfect job.
mmmm it`s hard but it must be one that allowed me to have some time to spend with my family.
I would like to learn about other cultures so it would give me the oportunity to know new people, and off course it would be well paid.
mmm i think it`s there is not the perfect job but we may find the one which is closer of your dreams.