Animals at home: pets or pests?

Nowadays, millions of families share their lives with one or more kinds of animal species - dogs, cats, insects, rodents, reptiles, birds, just to mention some of them. But, why do people do that? Having animals at home imply readapting ourselves so we offer these species the best conditions away from their natural habitats. However, for some people this human tradition is nothing but human cruelty: cages, restrictions, and animal abuse. What do you think, should people have animals at home or not?


Miguel Fernando said...

Im not against having animals at home, i mean there are two kinds of animals: the domestic ones and the savage ones. There are huge differences between each others, for example a domestic animal is calm and easy-going to have at home as your pet, so can give them your love and takecare of them quietly and trustfulness, but in the other hand you have the savage animals which need a bigger space for them selves preferably out of human influence coz of them inner nature.

Unknown said...

In my opinion,the animals that I couldhave at home are cats and dogs,no more.Because these are the animals that can live with people.these are domestic animals.
However,in a farm you can have others like cows,pigs,chickens,hourses and others.

Unknown said...

they should if is a dog :) ...... a dog will be much better ia a home where the people love it. A dog is grateful for the company of a person, obviously that person must love it. I have a dog , and I love it, and during the time I have been with it, I have felt it love me too. It has learnt much thing of me..... and i have learnt much more things of it. The animal are beautiful, but some animal need to live in their own habitat, because there they have the things that needed to live.

Love animal!! ..... they are so fantastic.

Anonymous said...

I think that some animals are a good company and good friends like an example I have a rabbit but since very young he is accustomed to doing everything in your house and bites a small trunk and running and this is used by the house and does not damage any teach behavior depends on the other hand, if the nature is better left in their own habitat.

Unknown said...

I think that many people should have pets but we have to know the difference between a wild animal and animals which are not wild
sometimes when you have a wild animal it means troubles for you because you don´t know how they react to conclude its better to get a passive animal because they will you bring love and its easy give many cares and don´t forget that its a big responsability to have a pet because you have a life in your hands

majobat said...

I think, in the universe everything has a specific place and it is not convenient to mess up that.there are some exeptions about some kind of animals which don´t have a specific habitat so they need a place to live but others no way. one of my friend has a snake as pet, can you belive that? a awful snake..I agree with traditional pets althought I don´t like any of them XD...summarizing they should not

Anonymous said...

People who can not stand animals usually can not stand themselves - people believe we are above the rest of the animal species on this planet! Show some respect and learn to live together!

Unknown said...

I don't like or stands animals at home... we talk about domestic animals, but the man had domesticated them, it isn't like they born domesticated, we took them from their natural environment and push them to live in quites and limited places.
They should be frees and happy in big lawns, mountains and forests.

Ok I like little green parrots, they are soooo cuteeeee!!!

Anonymous said...

i have a dog, his name is nicolas is a beautiful beagle.Personally, i think that to have a pet is a very decision, they are part of our lives and complement it.A pet could be your partner when you are alone.
In the families is common have dogs or cats because they are animals loving,intelligent, grateful and specially are faithful and you can have them at home.
however,many times this is expensive but is nice, and is a good decision.

Francisco Meza