Cosmetic Surgery: should I do it?

Nowadays people are always looking for the perfect body - they go on extreme diets, do a lot of exercise and have a healthy lifestyle. However, Science, Medicine in particular, offers a more practical and effective solution: cosmetic surgery. Nonetheless, there are many questions we should think over before making such a radical decision: Should I undergo an always risky cosmetic surgery? What part of my body could I improve? How many cosmetic surgeries can I afford? Am I going to be a different person after the surgery? Am I doing this for the wrong reasons? Is my self-esteem going to be affected? Think of these and other questions and write your opinion.


Unknown said...

I think that the cosmetic surgery is good, but not in extreme. Most people don`t feel comfortable with their bodies or at least one part, for example when the person had an accident and the cosmetic surgery is the solution, the self-esteem grow up and he or she will have a daily life normal in front of society. Different is when you don`t like any part of your body, for that reason you need to do questions, investigations, estadistics, doctors, clinics, everything related about the surgery and the consequences after the operation.If you are really sure, do it.

Juan s. Mariño said...

I don't like the idea of a world where everybody looks "perfect"; the "perfection" is no human and you have to live with that. I only agree with that kind of cosmetic surgery that can help to different people who has suffered an accident and has to find a way to be more accepted in the society, but not to change and make you more beautiful. For me people who change their bodies without necessity, real necessity, they have to think more in change their insides than their outside.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to disagree with you guys but I think is a personal choice... if you want to do it and you can afford it, well... "JUST DO IT". It's a personal decisiton whether you like to be a barbie or if you like to become a cat alike person, you can decide anything you want that involves your body or your own health, if you aren't doing anything wrong and it's no like you were hurting other people, why we shouldn't do whatever we like with ourselves?... guys THE SKY IS THE LIMIT IN COSMETIC SURGERIES!!! hahaha no just kidding, be reponsible!