Telling an amazing tale: composing a story!

Your teacher knows there are great writers in the class, so he wants you to consider sending a short-story (60-70 words) to one prestigious international magazine to be published next month. However, the people organizing this contest want you to begin your story with the following line: "Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m.". What you have to do is write the rest of the story, using a lot of linking words (for instance: so, moreover, however, later, finally) and a wide vocabulary. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m, so she prepared her luggage, too searched some money for the trip and later she called to her best friend, Lisa, who come to her for long trip. However, she was a little nervous for the reaction of her parents, because they don't know about this journey. Rose ended all things that she thought prepare and for last time she review her check list. Finally, Rose went to the bed thinking about her good luck in next day.

Fabio Alberto Camargo Figuera

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. because she is a Policewoman her rank is captain so she went with her special unit to catch a very dangerous criminal called "el Diablo". He is a serial killer identified for his "modus operandi", after killed the person, he mutilate the body and put the members on a school bag and leaves in a bus stop. Later of months making the investigation, Rosa's unit located the place where he are, so at 4:30am begans the operative. At the 10:00am finally "el diablo" is catched, moreover the police don`t know how many people they killed.

Ramiro Duarte Ordoñez

Anonymous said...

"Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m."
because when she was 30 years old she had an heart attack, so her doctor advised a health life style that consist in a balanced diet moreover a physical activity; because of this she gets out early on mornings to run in the park. However, today later that she came back at home, to had an heart attack again, her neighbors called to 911, Rose was carried to nearest hospital where finally she died.

Lili and Gerson

Anonymous said...

"Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. because when she was 30 years old she had an heart attack, so her doctor advised a health life style that consist in a balanced diet moreover a physical activity; because of this she gets out early on mornings to run in the park. However, today later that she came back at home, to had an heart attack again, her neighbors called to 911, Rose was carried to nearest hospital where finally she died.
Gerson and Lili

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. She did not listen her alarm because had very sleep and she wake up at 5:00 a.m., so Rose ran to grooming, however she had time for breakfast.
The special reason was spy to her boyfriend because she suspected that he had other girlfried, then she went to to a restaurant called “Romantiek” because listened a conversation by telephone, later time arrived to place and saw her boyfriend breakfasting whit one person and she was surprised because her boyfriend was with your sister.
She never told to her boyfriend because he will be angry.
The end
Norfelia Martínez Méndez.

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m.
She was very surprised when she look at her house in flames. The fire was after extinguished after, but later rose felt a little warred, because all things belong her disappear in one second. This history tech us that is necessary to prevent the use of gas or other dangerous materials. At the end of the life we can learn many important thinks to live in perfect peace and harmony with all people. Anything people can understand that there are many principles to take into account for to live happy and enjoy the opportunities that the live give us every day. Here in this world there are many circumstances that we can take advantage of bringing the satisfactory situations with the body and with the de soul. Really the life is a good experience of the spirit; I consider that is a manner to feel the special vibrations like love. Actually, there are many forms to feel, but all of these are into de body or into de hurt.
There is a common expression: “who get up early God help to bring the successful”

francisco garcia

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m.

Two months ago, she got a university degree as a Petroleum Engineer at Texas University.
so, she sent many curriculum vitaes to different companies. However, any of them didn't called her. But, she recieved an important call from British Petroleum Company because they were interesting about her professional profile, so they proposed to her an interview on october 1st at 8:00 a.m.
Finally she started to work inmediately as a junior engineer and actually she earns a lot of money.

Wrote by:

Pedro Antonio López Ramírez, and
Jorge Ricardo Quintero

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m.
She was very surprised when she look at her house in flames. The fire was after extinguished after, but later rose felt a little warred, because all things belong her disappear in one second. This history tech us that is necessary to prevent the use of gas or other dangerous materials. At the end of the life we can learn many important thinks to live in perfect peace and harmony with all people. Anything people can understand that there are many principles to take into account for to live happy and enjoy the opportunities that the live give us every day. Here in this world there are many circumstances that we can take advantage of bringing the satisfactory situations with the body and with the de soul. Really the life is a good experience of the spirit; I consider that is a manner to feel the special vibrations like love. Actually, there are many forms to feel, but all of these are into de body or into de hurt.
There is a common expression: “who get up early God help to bring the successful”

francisco garcia

JHON said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m.
She every days has to make her English class moreover she must to prepare the family breakfast before to leave her home at 6am.
Later she must to go at the university because her class will begin at 7:00 am however she usually arrive at her class before 15 minutes to check her notes and so she achieve her purpose when her students arrive at classroom.
Finally when her students go out she return to home and meeting with her family for the lunch.
William Mendez
John Pinzón.

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. Later, she wake up quickly when she listened the sound for begin her great day. she was very impatient. That day she had to pass a math test. However, she took time to have breakfast before go to her school. So, she arrived at 6:00 o`clock to her classroom but unfortunatly there weren't nobody. Moreover, she didn't has her mobile phone to call somebody. She was quite nervous. Immediatly she cried. Then, fifteen minutes later, she walked through a hallway of her school and suddenly she saw the science teacher and told him that happened her and he laughed. She was surprised. He told her that the math teacher was ill and that he had sent a mail saying that the exam will be on monday. Finally, she was happy because she wiil have more time for study but at the same moment she was a little sad for the teacher.

Monica E. Velasquez Torres

Anonymous said...

"Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m this day she had to do her exam for pass in the most important university in the city, she was very frightened because she could not lose this exam her parents had not money for pay other university however, she was prepared for this moment so Rose went to present her evaluation, this was very dificul moreover she forgot her glasses in home she doesn`t see good, despite all the difficulties and finally meet her objectives pass and now she is studying the career that wanted
Nicole Catherine Rivera Rubiano

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m.
today will be a good day for her, because is her graduation. she was very nervous. she woke up early in the morning with the intention go to the gym to be okay at night.later she came back home to prepare and think about her life. She was very excited and tired, however she prepared a long discuss to talk to the public in her graduation. Morover she went to buy some things for the night to drink with her friends for example some beers. Afternoon was very slow for her. the time happened slowly and she was waiting her moment. The time arrived was night. She went to the auditoy. there are a lot people. then, she began her discuss so every people clap to her. she could to get her certified every thingh was success. In that moment she was the happiest person on the world. Because she leave the university and she left to earn good money. finally she went to celebrated with her friends and drink some beers in a disco.she hope begin her new life with good job.

Anonymous said...

"Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. She went to the bathroom to take a shower and she forgot the towel. Rose shout your mother, mooom!! may you please bring me the towel, her mother ran very fast with the towel, but she didn`t look a banana skin on the floor and she went tumbling down the stairs... Three fingers, two ribs, the left arm, the nose were brooken, but she didn`t let go the towel. Rose was very angry because her mother didn`t come. Rose only knew what happened when she went out the house... In this moment Rose called the ambulance and picked her up and took her to the nearest hospital, the doctor incapacitated rose`s mother per five months.
That day rose learned to never forget the towel anymore, because she lived only with her mother.

Unfortunately this day was a very special day in the life of Rose, because she will get married by twice. The first fiancè was murdered the night before to the wedding while his stag night. Rose didn`t get married again...

She remembered that both situations happened at same date TUESDAY 13th, and Rose never made plans in this date...

Javier Camargo
Alexànder Reàtiga.

Anonymous said...

rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning,so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 am.she take a shower and put on her uniform,so she went to worked by her car,and came at home early because she had an important journey to cali.however she called a taxi and she arrived early to the airport.ended her ocuppations she went to know the city wuith some friends and finally she enjoyed her journey and her work and comeback to home very happy on weekend.
Maira Alejandra Perez Cardenas

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. ; when she woke up, she watched by the windows and saw a man with a gun that was walking at the street, he was very tall and wore cloth as a prisioner, the woman was so nervous and scared, so she looked for the mobile and called the police, but they didn't answer then she decided to call her neighbor, but he didn't neither answer, the prisioner had killed all neighborhood ( he was a serial killer ) and she was the last one, however the killer he could not enter the house, meanwhile she was setting a trap, a few minutes after, the killer entered it and automatically a hot pot fell on him, finally someone unknown
called the police and they could capture the killer and rose knew that had a reason special to wake up early that morning....

jesus david julio parra

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m, because she will be back to home in Alaska, after of have working during five years in California as a french teacher. But she forgot to buy the ticket, so started her motorcyle and drove way to the airport as fast how can do it.

Juvenal Flòrez.

Anonymous said...

"Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m." It was a question of the birthday number 33 of her husband, moreover it was her third anniversary of married and for her it was one very special day; she was prepare a delicious breakfast with fruits and cereals for her husband. However it was not sufficient for she, who later went away for a store to buying a "red" tie of the favorite color of her husband. Finally she comes to the house at 8:00 am and take to the bed the breakfast to her husband together with the tie wrapped in paper gift and sing the birthday to her husband who I make happy for the surprise of this so special morning with the one that began his new year of life together with she. By Michael Alexander Lozano Herrera . LEVEL A2-1

Anonymous said...

"Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m." It was of the birthday number 33 of her husband, moreover it was her third anniversary of married and for her it was one very special day; she was prepare a delicious breakfast with fruits and cereals for her husband. However it was not sufficient for she, who later went away for a store to buying a "red" tie of the favorite color of her husband. Finally she comes to the house at 8:00 am and take to the bed the breakfast to her husband together with the tie wrapped in paper gift and sing the birthday to her husband who I make happy for the surprise of this so special morning with the one that began his new year of life together with she.
By Michael Alexander Lozano Herrera . LEVEL A2-1

Anonymous said...

at 4:30 am rose wake up so she can continue her story about the intervie of michael jackson, later she recibed a call tell her that michael jackson had die; she can`t never belived becouse she intervie his yesterday and he was fine.
however went she turn on the tv she discovered that the news is in fron of ths michael`s house and the ambulance was trasnporting somebody in the Stretcher;moreover all the day was tourn about the michale`s Health and all the world waits the resoult of the doctors.
finally past a lot ahours the confirmd that michaels jackson die in his home. the news crowed all the pages in all the newspappers around the wolrd, the news ifomated all the fanatic people tha the kin of pop die. so rose was sad becouse one of the best singer around the wolrd dies, went she go to the ofice she writte a memmorial in at article about his life and the intervie that she has one day after he dies.

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m., so she was preparing to murder her neighbor because Marla her neighbor was really gossipy, so Rose has three forms to kill her one of them was shoot her but not in her body, she wanted to do it in her heart more over she wanted to take out her organs because she wanted to eat them, other option was burned her in the dawn; the last option that was take a torch but the first thing that Rose must do was cut her tongue after Marla would be quarter.
Rose have to choose one option and make it, for that reason Rose got up earlier everyday because she loves to kill people and she is very perfectionist with all the process.

Angie Lorena Paipa C
Paola Suarez Mejía

Anonymous said...

Rose had a reason to wake up early that morning, so she set the alarm clock at 4:30 a.m, she are going to have a very important exam, so she has planned to get up early to study a little bit before the exam, but she couldn't. she was so worried, when she looked the clock were 5:30, and exam started at 5:15. she took all of her books, her bag, and ran all over the street to get to the exam, but it was so late. she couldn't enter to the school, because, although she ran with all of her force, she arrived to the school at 6:10. therefore she failed that exam and she had to repeat the school year all over again.

Carlos Eduardo Carreño Moyano

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m.

she has hoped during three months ago, this day she say`s "I have to go out quickly"...

Her boyfriend is hoping in the door, the car is turn on, she put her bag in the car and up...

"Go to the Vegas"... you will be my wife and I love you so much (say his boyfriend).

and they were happy for always...

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set he alarm clock at 4:30 a.m, so she had to prepare a big surprise to receive to her mother because she was in a great trip in Europe and she missed her... Rose had to cook a big cake and a delicious chicken for all your family.Her mother back at 3:00 pm. She had all the ingredients but she had a problem... your stove was hurt and she had to go to her big sister Danna to cook, but her sister lived at the other side of the city. She took the first train but it was very difficult from her because she had many packages. Finally, she came where her sister after two hours. Fortunately, her sister was a great cooker and she helped her to cook the chicken and the cake. At 12:00 o`clock she took the train again to return at her house before that her mother came. All was perfect, but when Rose returned at her house she had a big surprise: her mother was here because she wanted to give her a big surprise. Rose was happy but she understood that sometimes the surprises are for you!!
By Erika Peralta

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. She has to meet with Mark and Tanya to prepare an assault on the central bank. Rose should be responsible for reviewing the plans of the bank and ensure that they can escape safely while Mark makes theft. moreover, Tanya is responsible for delaying the arrival of the police. Finally, they may live peacefully in a paradise island for the rest of their lives.


Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. when the alarm ring she was wake up because in this morning, end the torment that she had.¿ but what kind of torment?, easy answer. the reason it's complicated and inusual, all start in the last night when she staid in her bed,suddenly she hear a rare noise in her kitchen, she was petrified
for this noise. after this moment Rose hided down of her bed and bite her hands to not scream, when she made this Rose looks aught
horrible. her voice are enclosed in her fingers but ¿why? Rose had a spider in her head,his colds and hairly legs are walking in her face.

Rose feared to spiders,¿ what does she do? ¿ run or die?¿spiders or rare noises in her kitchen?, after this thoughts, Rose tooks a harder desition, she decide was hide down in her bed. seconds and hours are long. Spider was slept in her front. Rose pass the night with her ugly friend, in the morning spider don't stay and she up. she nerver knew that the rare noise were the wind passing in the kiichen's window. but this story have a good part Rose lost the fear to spiders...

By my self
Carlos Quinche.

Anonymous said...

Rose had a especial reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. She is slepping in a trip bus, She is goint to arrive to Santa Marta with her best friend, Maria Andrea. Later, they come and decide to go to sleep in a flat, they are so tired by the trip. At 8:00 a.m.they wake up and gromming to go the beach. "Sun, beach and boys" say Rose, and Maria only smiles. In the beach, they know a new friends, Sam and Tommy, talk and laugh so much. Sam its so funny, and Maria like him. Moreover Rose, know that Sam like her friend, so she decide to help them. She talk with Tommy and agree a plan. The plan is it and achieved. Finally is a problem that Maria dont know, Sam live in Bogotà, and Maria in Bucaramanga, however they only be just a friend for the distance.

Stephanìa Duràn Hernàndez

adriana cristina said...

rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she her alarm clock at 4:30 am, because she has an importan interviw in spain. so, before leave her house, she chose her better clothes, and had a coffe. she got a plain at 6:00 a.m, however she was very,very nevious because she never had flown. when the plane arrived in Vancouver, she felt very confuse because miss her child: Roberto.
In the Jhon Mckormic, airport, in this place waited her, Amalia her older sister.
after one hour, she was more ralaxing, called her family in Argentina to tell them that she was well. At the end of day she went to the bed and tried to sleep but it was impossible for her, due to that the night was very cool becase it was raining and Rose did not like the cool. next day morning she went to the factory for got a interviw. she was afraid because her master english were not excelent, but finally she got the job. and she will begin it nex year.

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. for wake up before that the rooster of the neighbor. All days, she see that big, fat and succulent bird and she imagine a delicious "SANCOCHO", with yuca and cream milk. However,the problem is that the rooster always is over the tallest of the farm, and the Stevenson never leave your house. Since 3 week ago, Rose has been trying to catch it, but the animal always finish peck her!
Today, after the very try mistake, she finally cauth the rooster, but when she looked it on the eyes, she can't cook it. Now, Rose visit with more frecuency the Stevenson and never forget a bit the corn for your new friend.

Anonymous said...

Rose had a special reason to woke up early that morning, so she set her alarm clok at 4:30 a.m, but she woke up just one minute before the alarm ring. She feelt everithing strange, but she don't takes importance to this circunstances. when she leave out to her house and take her car, a strange voice said her: "don't go, you're going to have a tragic accident,", she was scared, however she went to her work (she was secretary of a president of a big travel agency), and this day she had a party in her work, because her boss had his Birthday, she must be in her work at 6:00 am, there was 5:45 a.m and she was pressed because a long way was absent, she began to drive very fast¡¡¡ when she was arriving to the place to her work, and she was driving fast, she couldn't stop when the last semaphore put the red light, she continued right and hit violently whit a BMW car who also was going to the same place of work of rose, the person of the BMW died, this person was her boss, the president of her company died¡ she rapidly was taken to the hospital,and minutes later she dead. she didn't case to this voice thas was her foreboding.

Juan Camilo Dueñas - Level A 2.1

Anonymous said...

"Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. for a all year had been studying hard for tests ICFES would give him a big step for studying at a good university with great power came to school where submit its important test, for all every day was very concentrated applying knowledge given him for all his life.
Arriving the night finally ended its test and secure what had replied he went to celebrate with their friends.
Worked so hard as she wanted, after a month after submission of proof to their school results came in, knowing how nervous he had been scored their personal data and carry a big surprise.
I can not believe she crying for happiness by saying, I have been in second place in the best results from across the country.
when he got home he told his mom, she was very proud to embrace and congratulate her welcome and said that his future was great for having taken these results. moreover Rose graduated with honors from his school, and finally made it to the University of Chicago where studying medicine.



rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she her alarm clock at 4:30 am, because she has an importan interviw in Canada. so, before leave her house, she chose her better clothes, and had a coffe. she got a plain at 6:00 a.m, however she was very,very nevious because she never had flown. when the plane arrived in Vancouver, she felt very confuse because miss her child: Roberto.
In the Jhon Mckormic, airport, at this place waited her, Amalia her older sister.
after one hour, she was more ralaxing, called her family in Argentina to tell them that she was well. At the end of day she went to the bed and tried to sleep but it was impossible for her, due to that the night was very cool becase it was raining and Rose did not like the cool. next day morning she went to the factory for got a interviw. she was afraid because her master english were not excelent, but finally she got the job. and she will begin it nex year.

Michael said...

Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. She knows that this day, her dad coming of a large trip, so she wants to prepare something very special for him. She's buying a present for him and she's cooking the meal that he more loves. This is only the beginning. She's planing to say that she's got a boyfriend and she want to get married with him, so nothing can go out bad.