Movie Stars: love or loathe them?

There is a general conception about film stars: they live parallel lives. How different is the person behind the celebrity? What is the typical movie star like? Why do people admire them so avidly? Are they positive "Role Models" for the youngest generations? What do you think? Write one short, simple text explaining your viewpoint about celebrities and their influence among general audiences.

1 comment:

Cindy Dayana said...

I think that the models are people just like us. They have the same problems and They have the same needs. Sometimes they are not a good example for the teenagers, because they take drogs and drinks a lot. Maybe they have this problems because they start to work very young and they do not have a normal childhood.
I believe that the people admire them becuase they think that the models and actors are perfect, and all they do is right.

Cindy Solano.