If we lived in a better world...

People are the most terrible predators in nature - that`s for sure. Every animal specie on this planet is afraid of us - but fear is not respect. They are afraid of us because of what we are doing to their habitat, to our environment! Have you ever thought of living in a better world? How do you imagine that "better place to live"? What would you do if you were there, part of that "dream"? Be very descriptive, please.


Anonymous said...

the people we are becoming the planet by pollution, without looking that there are other living beings, living beings who are dying every day through our fault. I will like in a world where men, women and children have an ecological conscience to ensure preservation of speciesike,a world but violence, but cocaine, but pollution... perhaps full of impossible things. The perfect world serious magic and extraordinary.

Andr3aBlanco said...

I always think in have a better world and leave it to my children because I don't like it seems today,I'd like to tave a clean world, with clean parks, clean streets and clean air, a perfect world for me would be a place where people don't smoke, don't throw out their rubbish in the street, where all the people have a electric car but that electricity doesn't come form oil, where nobody set fire to the woods, nobody waste water, don't exist war and violence. A perfect place would be a place where animals and peolple can breathe clean air, can live in peace, have food, clothes, education, a house and health, a place where all the people have everything they need to be happy.

Jorge Luis said...

I would like to have a better habitat, with too much pure air, where us are conscious of our activities and everybody would be promise to preservate our resources taking care of them and the rest of species that exist with us.
The world is sick and if we don't react on time, it will suffer terrible consecuences, which wouldn't can be repaired easily.