How can I be part of the solution?

When there is something not working pretty well we must find a way to fix it. However, not everybody is willing to contribute, specially when the solution demands sacrifice and true commitment. Now, think of yourself as a University Student - throwing rocks or proposing solutions? What can university students accomplish when using violent ways to express their discomfort? What would be an effective mechanism to implement practical, democratic alternatives? Think and tell.


Unknown said...

The situation at university is very complex and a lot of university’s stamens have different thinking, so, all the university’s people acting in different ways. The main problem that I can see is that most of the students are apathetic to the university situation and they don’t think by them self. Although the student’s revolutionary movement at UIS has many students all of them have the same thought and I’m honest, this University needs a student’s opposite movement that have different ideas but with real fundaments to arguments. Maybe the students that thinks different believe that them opinions doesn’t significant or doesn’t help and it is the reason why they don’t express what they’re thinking. In this university the ideas are proposes and doing by a few students but the consequence of them acts affected all students, teachers and university’s workers, it’s because of that I invite to make the difference, to think different and scream aloud that we don’t want the same that the other person, we’re diverse. If you have other way to express ideas, different to throwing rocks, or if you think that it’s every o.k. and we don’t need to express anything, well say it!.

Unknown said...

A lot of people believe that if someone isn't happy about the way the university is being directed is probably one of the students that likes throwing stones...

And i wonder, which kind of people could ever say that?. How can someone relate the act of thinking and the act of throwing explosive
obviously someone that probably hasn't had the chance to think by himself and in consequence is repeating brilliant words that assumably heard from the lips of a clever RCN journalist.

I think we all know throwing stones is dangerous and violent but i think is even more dangerous the comment i said before. Because is saying that we, the smart and critical people are doing that kind of illegal actions.

Let me tell you buddy: thinking is not illegal.

Anonymous said...

Yes the rocks are only for pigs.