Sexual Orientation: Should we ask?

"Diversity and respect should always be together, one being an intrinsic characteristic of the other one - but when it comes to sexual orientation, that never happens" - anybody may reach this conclusion after analyzing for a second how modern society treats people who openly express their Homosexuality. What do you think about Homosexualism? Is it wrong? Is it against nature? Is it just a phase of Identity Crisis? Is it possible to love someone from the same gender? What does Religion have to say about it? Can homosexuals raise children and have a family? Be honest and tell us what your opinion and ideas are.


Anonymous said...

homosesuality can´t to understand as an illness, because it´s normal what between two men or two women to love them. the people are frightened what the family concept to overflow of traditional parameter.


chamin said...

I’m thinking and keep my ideas; I really hate to speak with a man or like a man at the first time, I feel uncomfortable, because this man just only pays attention in my face, my body, my eyes, and will forget everything that I’ll say. The other hang, right now when you go to a Mall, our university or wherever, a serious man that like the opposite gender and look just cool or handsome can’t walk without steal sights that comes the gays. I didn’t do anything to get it, so I guess that right now in our time is very difficult that a woman has a relationship with a 100% man, the probabilities everyday are so lower.

Unknown said...

I think that we have to accept that nowadays its common to find a gay couple

Unknown said...

Nowadays is very common to have friends gays and are the best friends over the world, are pacients, friendlies, honests, incondicionals, and the most important 100% reliable. Always they are happy and most of them are supported for their families, is difficult today to keep any relationship independent of the sexuality.