Breaking up: two separate ways

I have always thought "Love does not last forever" - at least that is what life has shown me so far. There is a time for sharing with somebody else - there is a time when we look for someone whom we want to share our time with. Unfortunately, different circumstances lead us into one decision: breaking up. What should people do right after making this decision? Is being "good friends" possible afterwards? How long should people wait until start looking for a new couple?


Unknown said...

I think that the love depends on the circumstances and the moment of the life on every whom, in whom it(he,she) decides to experience it: for that if it(he,she) is not adapted so(then,since) it(he,she) is going to finish in " good friends " clearly this one that after there being feelings of for way is very difficult to be friends.

Anonymous said...

Mmm ... the true love .. clear that it exists it is something that one finds in every person and since this feeling is real. the distance and the differences between they is not important only the love

Libia Carolina said...
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