The greatest invention ever!

Modern societies are too different from the ancient ones. Why? Because of the people - because of the ways people see and interpret the world around them. Unfortunately, not everything is as positive as we might expect. There will always be people who will try to benefit themselves by hurting others, using others, sacrifing others`s lives. Fortunately, for every evil spirit, there are many other good ones who, by creating and offering the world their brilliant ideas, have made modern life posible and , usually, better for most of us: inventors and visionary men and women. What do you think is the best invention in Modern History? Why? How does this invention affect our lives? Write a short, simple text explaining your viewpoint.


Unknown said...

i think the best invention it was the internet, why? because of you can do anything on can do your homeworks, watch tv, chat with people from all over the world, and you can get any information you want, etc.
How does this invention affect our lives? i think all the people use the internet for anything and nobody has used it for evil purposes, well not very evil purposes. i mean nobody has killed someone through the internet. :P

jessik said...

i think the best invetion are the medicaments because how we have a headache, or a flu, we need to feel better. How we could live without them? they are very necessary for us, especially the antibiotics. I love feeling very good and I feel safe that when i feel bad i can go to the doctor and he can give a solution and I belive everybody think it too.

Anonymous said...

I think the best invention ever is the Printing Press. Without this machine, reading books would not be possible. Since I love books very much, I can not think of my daily life without them.

Unknown said...

I think one of the most important inventions are medical dispositives such as laser or stent or endoscopical equipments because they let to physicians working easier and giving a more effective treatment to patients, getting better lifes expectatives and life quality.
the problem with this is that they aren't accesible to everybody and they are very expensive to health system.

Unknown said...

for me the best invention is a computer buecause it changes a life the people for many reasons.

I study system engineer and the computer it is my tool, this invention change me because my life to around the computer, the system and I cant say that all people in the world use in this moment the computer for many thing. read a letter , lintening to music, this jobs, comunicate with other people in the world for many reason the computer is the best invention in the world and for me i cant change this for anything.

the internet of a part the computer ,you don't have a compurer ,you don't use the internet or a pam or iphone... the tecnology is very inportanta in this moment in the world because the world around the tecnology.

Unknown said...

I think that the best invention is the G.P.S. , you can use it for many things like study, work ... You can know how far everything is. How does this invention affect our lives? I use it, at university in construction class, and I think that the G.P.S. , is very useful for my, because I can learn a lot of things about my career(civil engineering), and the people can know where are they, exactly their position in the city,(country, world).

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In my opinion the best invent in this time is the: 'nanotechnology',it`s very modern and it's a science that working with nano-scale particles;it search helps the society avoid polution, also techniques to help with curing cancer,and improves quality of life of people in the world.

Unknown said...

I think the best invention is the plane because we can go to travel around the world, know cultures and meet people the other nationalities, this is important for ours to have knowledge of the wonder world and can see them. This is possible if we can travel in plane

edgar said...

the invention most important for me is the penicilin, and the medicine in general, we can live almost 70 or 80 years, instead of 47 years we could hope at the begining of XX century,

Unknown said...

for my one on the best inventions is the Cell phone, because, you can communicate fasther with the other people without matter how distant, you can feel so close to another person who seems to be with you in this moment. Also, to can be useful in a emergency, for indicate your its location

Iván Julio said...

I think the best invention ever is: "PREPAID MEDICAL" Why? because you can be quiet if your body doesn't work well anytime, or you need some medical care without spend a lot of money in that time.

Unknown said...

i think that the greatest invention ever is the internet because using this invention we can comunicate with all the people around the world,too we can find all the things: music, news, all the information we need.
all people can used it because its really easy and cheap you only need a computer and a conection to the mains only this and you start to discovery all the things that internet offer you.

Unknown said...

For me one of the most important invetions is the paper because you use it all the time in the school,at university,in your job etc...It is very useful:if you need to write anything, do the homeworks or print, you need to use it.A lot of things are make with paper.For example the books,the notebooks,the newspapers,the magazines,the toilet tissue,the napkins and many handy crafts.

Unknown said...

i think the best invention was the cellphone,because all the people can comunicate around the world and dont important where are you stay.You can speak by long time with many people that you didnt see for five or seven months ago. I think this invention afecct our lives because everyone use the cellphone in your work,you need to know how is your family and friends.