My Dreams for the Future

People change everyday - life makes us "readapt" and "readopt" new life projects. Take five minutes to consider the "New You" you will turn into soon: What do you see? What will your expectations and greatest ambitions be? Would you like to get married and have some children? Are you going to continue studying after college graduation? Would you like to buy a flat, a bike, a car? Do you want to be an entrepreneur? Tell us all about it - write a simple text, expressing both your short-term and long-term personal and professional goals. (100 words).


Anonymous said...

that's a good history....
follow the link

Unknown said...

Well... first, Hi everybody…
I think that the life shouldn’t have plans… why? Because the plans were introduced in our lives by our parents better, by our society... if we are going to see in the Bible really the meaning of life.. We may surprise, because in any paragraph says: “if you want to be happy you need plans”... nooo, and really, are you happy with you now? Well... my life plan is be happy of course without huggies. I only want to do things that I like… is truth, sometimes you must to do something that are not so good... but the life is not always pink. For Example... I would like to be a petroleum engineering, to travel around the world and to obtain money, but I have to see calculus… why? Why no only chemistry and perforation??…. Because... the calculus is the basis of both areas... well, I think the calculus is a big stair but when I can overcome it, I will love it... I going to say... that’s very easy... what was the big deal??... Meat and potatoes... lol
Partners as a great phrase in the wall of the classroom... I can tell you... that the key of the happiness depends on will... Bye

Anonymous said...

my dream for my life future are so ambitios, i want to be a super engineer,work in something related to nanotechnology, maybe invent a new appliance...
I think that anything is possible, you only need want to do and take a risk!!!

Unknown said...

Hi everybody I'm Fabio Andres but call to me Andres. Well firs I have many plans and I'd like to write a bit about them.
At the moment I'm studing english and teology and working as Marketing director in a publicity agency. Also I'm working as acustician and at the moment I'm recording a Disc. I Know i know are many things but with God all is posible jejje.
I'm going to Argentina in june for study acustic treatment.
When I return,I want to follow working in acustic an publicity. Of course I want to finish the Disc because my most big plan is be a Musician that travel around the world.I choose this dream because I want to know different places and cultures in all the word.
I'd like to travel with my girlfriend of course my wife in a near future,she is perfect for me.
In five years I would like to have my own bussiness. My own PUBcofe and a big bussiness group with 12 areas then I'd like to have a foundation call time for love.
Of course, one day I wish to marry and have children,before I'm 25
In my dreams I see myself at 35 running a successful bussiness group and singing around the world.
I'll have a beautifuls houses in many country, I'll have many children many cars many motorbike and why not many airplanes but The most important in my life is to life for God and realize his purpose in me .... no more SAY YOU LATER

Unknown said...

I have much plans for my live.I want to be an excellent profesional, an good daugther. I want to be happy.
I like to travel for all the world.
I will have a beautiful house and big oil company.
I want do a specialization in gas after of finish my degree.
I am thinking of continuing studing and after work much.

Sebastián said...

Hi What's up, I'm Karolsebastian,I hope, maybe the life's things will be successfuly to me... I have some important dreams to meet and I want meet one, it's I want to be the best engineer.

Unknown said...

Hello my friends,i want to explain you my proyects for the future.

For begin i want be a prestigious mechanical engineer in the world, i want to make many inventions for the humanity, so i want to obtain a lot of money for buy very much things such as a big deparment, a beauty car, and many more things in the colombian carribean.

but my principal future dream is to give a very good life to my parents.very much travels around the world, more vacations and build a very beauty home for them.

iwill continue in the academy life, i want to make a magister on metallurgical engineering.

Andre! said...
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Andre! said...

Many people dream about having lots of money, properties and too much material things. However, all of those things don't guaranty your happiness. The noble dreams can be more comforting if you work hard for them.

I deeply believe in that, I have many dreams which I hope to achieve. I wish to work so hard in the next years because I want to have a quiet life. I would like to travel and know other places. I would love to have children, too, but after that I want to became a great professional with a successful career.

Nevertheless, my most important dream is being a good and "complete" person.

Oscar Celis said...

well.. this is an interesting post and i have to say something about this,, every day i'm planing my future, humm i can say that i'm a dreamer, but i have real dreams, things like an amazing car, a perfect house, an a wonderful family and woman, everyday i'm visualizing all that i want for my future, i think that visualize it's an exelent exercise, do you have to know what do you want, and then you will be got it, it's like the attrations law, you maybe listened something about this law; I know this law two years ago, and then i try to aplicate this law in all activities that i realize, i think that it work ok jeje, because my life had take important changes, big changes, economical, sentimental, and more areas of my live, i belive in this, and its the reazon that i have a lot of dreams, a lot of plans, proyects to make money, live proyects, sentimental proyects, all with the helps god, and myselve conviction.

Dianita's Blog said...
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Dianita's Blog said...

My name is Diana Paola. I’m 19 years old. At the moment I’m in my fifth semestre at university. I’m studying Mechanical Engineering. I have many dreams and plans. I’d like to tell you a bit about them.

My most immediate plans are holiday plans. I’m going to work in my mother’s shop but only in the evenings . In the mornings I’m going to study very hard because when I start again classes I’m going to have exams.

The last year I made a very important decisión, I decided to move. I am going to study in Los Andes, for that reason “Bogota is my future home”. I’m very excited about that. In Los Andes, I’m going to finish my career, but I want to finish Industrial Engineering ,too.

In six or eight years’ time I would like to have my own bussines and work for myself. I want to have a big and important factory, in this factory we are going to design and make all for the drilling rig, but for this important project I want to be with an special man , He is going to be my associate. We are going to build a big factory.

I hope to marry one day and maybe have children. And finally I want to travel around the world.


Hello everyone. My name is Ruben Dario. I’m 22 years old and I am studying petroleum engineering. At the moment I’m in my tenth semester at university. I have big plans and many dreams and I’d like to tell you a bit about them.

My most immediate plans are holiday plans… well really I have only one big plan, but it isn’t sleep all the time, I am working in my thesis for that reason I don’t have free time on holiday. But it isn’t bad because if I finish my thesis, I’ll be more near to my dreams.

In June I’m going to Cartagena for an international congress of petroleum engineer, I’m very excited about that, because I think this is a wonderful experience, but more important than this…. Maybe in june I’ll graduate.
I want to work in some countries but I want to return and I am going to live in Colombia.

In five or ten years, I’m going to be an important companyman . I want to have a beautiful and big house. And maybe one day I want to marry and have children.

Emiro Jose said...

hello partners.....
my life is full of dreams, this time i will tell you some it

The nearest dream is finish my career and after this i want to work in a prestigious petroleum company.

like everyone, I want to have a lot of money too but the most important to me is to be happy and recognized for all the world.

I also want to travel round the world and live in a biggest and beautiful house in euurope with my family(jassi and juanfe, they are my happiness), specifically in Barcelona, spain.
do you say...why?
because I am fc barcelona's fan(the best football team in the world) and i would like to go to the nou camp stadium and see the matches every weekend with my son, i dream with that he plays in the barÇa, that would be fantastic but it is his decision not mine.

well this is a part of my dreams,
bye everybody

Unknown said...

Hi! Guys, My name is victor. I am studying at university and I would like to tell you about my dreams for the future, but before that I want to explain my motivation” my parents’’ because they have trusted on my. Always they have the best advice for me. They work every day and they do not have a freetime, so If I study really hard, I will become a engineer and I might help my parents.

My most inmediate plan Is graduate me from the collage. I would like to work in a company for a while to save some money because I want to have my own business, however my wish is give to my parents a trip around the world.

Of course, one day I hope to marry and I have children but no yet because I want to enjoy another things for example travelling abroud, study another career and meet many people. In five or ten years’ time I would like to have a new car and my proper house with a big swimming pool why not. Also I hope to run my own company with about 100 employees.

Finally I like to live the present and every day I give the best.I think this is a good start for my future life.

fercelis92 said...

hi everybody :D
these are interesting questions...
The mayority of people have many dreams, hopes, wishes, plans, etc and i am one of them.

I want to be a proffesional at 22-23, and inmediatly got a very good job, maybe in another country, could be in USA or Australia to earn a lot of money to buy a big and beautiful house :)
Also i want to still playing basketball as good as i am now, better is impossible XD

But my biggest ambition is to be happy...
how could i be happy?
If i had a wife and two childrens who love me, and i could bring them all what they need, i would be the most happy person in the world...

i know all of this is going to happen me, with my efforts and God's help.
see ya :D
Att: Fer15

jessik said...

Hello everybody. My name is Jessika Leon Mendoza. I'm 19 years old and I'm a Petroleum engineering student. Really I don't think the things, I only want to study and in some years work in other country where I earn a lot of money and I can pay the college to my brother and my cousin. Also I want to buy a biggest house to my parents and they don't have to work hard as now.
I want to live a life where I can enjoy, pay a big house and have lots of dogs, a van and I would like to travel around the world someday. I'm going to marry when I know a man special and have children if they arrive. But we don’t know what can to pass in our life I would like to win a physics Nobel for something it’ll be genial and can to do it, I believe to have a lot of time for to do it.
Now I hope finish fast my career and be happy.

Edwinder said...



Hello everybody,
All the people in the world have a lot of dreams but it’s important that you work harder to make it real. In my case, I’m twenty-two years old and I have many dreams to realize.
I’m studying petroleum engineer and I’m really close to my graduation, so that’s my most immediate plan for this year. After that, I’d like to work in a big and important company in an especially area called reservoirs, because it’s the most important part of petroleum engineer for me.
When I have enough experience I’d like to study a specialization in other country about this. I’ll study in places like France, United States, England and Canada. But if I want it, I must improve my English and maybe another language.
I’d like to marry with the most indicated woman for me, because I’ve been learning all my life the important of family in society. And I’d love to have two or three children. We’re going to live in the place where I have a good job.
In my dreams I see myself full of successful, love and happiness with my family.


Hello readers. My name is Carlos but my friends call me Cabeto because my full name is Carlos Alberto. I was studying civil engineering at the Universidad Industrial de Santander for four year ago. Well, I’m 22 year old and I have my birthday in September. At the moment, I’m working in my university, We are designing a highway (This road has four lanes) in Norte de Santander to transport coal to Venezuela.

I will graduate the next semester, I’d like to study to specialize in hydraulics. Probably, I Will go to Bogotá because this city has many universities for example :The Universidad Nacional and Los Andes. In my dreams I see myself working in other country and I'd might earn much petrodollars. I’d like to work in other country because my dad work in the abroad.

God always helps me with my problems and I should trust his word…. Goodbye

CKst said...

Hi, I'm Cesar Castellanos.
I'm a student of last level chemical engineering.
for now, my future plans are to graduate and get a good job to pay the credit of my career.
then, save enough money to continue my studies in another country.
I would like to study a Masters in Australia and work there.

Anonymous said...

hello guys! What's new? I am milena conde and I am going to talk about my future plans.
Well, when I think in my plans, I think always in my son and my parents. They are the most important people for me, but I hope that all my family and all my friends be happy and can achieve their dreams.
For this year I am working very hart to buy a car, So I have to learn to drive. It will be a red mazda two. I imagine to sit down into one and driving 80 km/h. I start to save also for a special thing "to buy a house" it has to be big because my son loves that, but no here, I want to live in Bogotá. It is an interesting city where I can meet new people. There also I am going to study a magistery in education of course, because I am a teacher.
When I became a master I want to work in a university.
The third plan is to learn other languajes, I love French and Portugese, but I am going to learn English very well. And finally it is and agreement with my sister and my two brothers: it is remodeling my parents' house.
Other plants that I hope to do before the day of my death are: to know México with my family, specialy with my mom, to practice parachuting and scuva diving, to see the whales when come to Gorgona island and to be grandmother of three or four children.
If I am lucky, I am going to get married, so I will have Other child.
Ok guys, see you later!

Silvia Stella said...

Hello every body!To dream is to live!! I'm Silvia, I'm twenty two years old. At this time I'm a fourth semester Chemical Engineering student. Before I was a medicine student for four years, I never falied a course, and it was interesting but not enough for I want to be. To tell the truth, I don't like to be a physician. I hope that all of what I learned in medicine school may serve to me in the future as a person and as engineering.
My dreams, for the sake of being a little bit clear, may be divided in long range, middle range and short range of time.
My immediate dreams are vacation during the holydays. I plan to go to San Gil with some friends who have a farm. It will be the occasion to visit touristy places, to watch and play with animals, which I love, to watch plants, mountains and old friends. I’m sure I’ll enjoy this vacation.
Then I’ll go to my little farm with my family and friends: my father, my aunt, my cousin, friends of my father and my little friends, cats and dogs, Pistacha, Kika,Susy and Kafu.
My middle range of time dreams are to go out of the country to continue studying .I wish to be an exchange student and go for a semester to practice my English. Later on, when I have finished the eighth semester, I would like to go to France for leading to a magister in biotechnology. It means that I have to study French. I plan to start next year.
Of course, I love my country and I’ll be back as soon as possible because I love my country, my family and my friends.
Now, my long term dreams. I don’t know what I want to be latter. Probably, I would like to have my own business and more surely, I want to be a mother of two children and have many pets. In my dreams I like to work for a natural reserve park, jaja

chamin said...

Well, first at all. I think that everybody has to analyse your future plant, and what are going to be real and which dreams are really. I have to stand up with my feet on ground and choose the best option to my economical benefit and health. Right now, I have been working in my thesis, since just 8 months, everyday study and analyse my questions through my director. In fact, today, before the class, I spoke with my director seriously about, what I going to do after graduate. He advice me that, if I want to travel to a foreign country, I have to make a huge effort by find a scholarship and continuous studying and get a high level in my future life like a researcher.

Unknown said...

My plans for the future had have some changes, before I only think in the short term, currently and have new expectations. Before, I only wanted to finish my studies at university but now I have a new option in my life, the investigation. The investigation is a true profession but more than this, is really a life style, is the form main or maybe unique of to change the world. The investigation allows making the knowledge and changing the knowledge of the present time. I want get married with a pretty woman that are will intelligent and that love me. I after master graduation, I will follow studying because I want am a PhD. Additionally, I would like buy a house or a flat by my family. Finally, I want to follow in the scientific medium or academic. I can make my future a reality!