Packing or not packing? That´s the question!

You go on holiday to a remote, exotic destination alone. Alone but prepared for whatever might happen... So, you must pack all the items you might need or use while you are away. What exactly are you packing? Make a list of the ten (10) most necessary things everybody should pack when going on holiday.


Anonymous said...

food, knife, fire, mirror, blankets, water, tents, map, flashlight, batteries

Anonymous said...

when the people is gonig to travel, should be prepare only the important things, not get a bag an fill it whit a lot of unnecesary producs, that´s carry weit and bring weit,it is a very foolish activity. I prefer only carry the things that i´m going to use, if i´m going to travel i´ll carry the next purposes:
a normal bag, a pocketknife, a canteen, a jacket, an extra jean, an extra shirt, a compass, a cover, sometimes a carp..and something to eat.. no more..

Anonymous said...

i would pack food(including candies), clothes, water, a lot of batteries, machsticks, a dagger, maps, lanterns and extra shoes =D.