What is your "ideal person" like?

Think of a person who does not exist! Become Dr. Victor Frankestein and describe the person you have just created. Tell others about: (A) His/Her Physical Appearance, (B) Personality features, and (C) The clothes he/she is wearing. Let`s build a sexy monster to love!


Unknown said...

well, I think, that "the ideal person". no exist like a comun person.. the ideal person pass the time whit you and you can not belive why the hours was passing in the air. the ideal person is for you the funniest in all earth.
I think that the ideal person is not that with good boby, only with the better chemestry..
miguel angel martinez.

Dianita's Blog said...

I am going to create a sexy monster for that reason I need to think in his physical appearance.I want to create a handsome monster. He is going to be young, tall and his skin is going to be blue. His eyes are going to be big and red. His hair is going to be green, straight, short. His physical appearance is ready, for that reason now I need to think in his personality. He is going to be athletic, intelligent, friendly, lovely, polite and very romantic :D....about his clothes!. He is wearing a red shirt, blue pants and red shoes.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Miguel, the ideal person doesn't exist.
The ideal person must be equal to the sum of all the good qualities of all our friends, family etc.

Anonymous said...

I think diana should put on her monster.. one eye blue, one green and one brown... jajaja..

Unknown said...

Instead, I'll build "the ideal person", a robot, you can program the personality features for example its feelings, its way of thinking,its way of reacting about somethings, you can create its physical appearance too.

Anonymous said...

my ideal person is young,tall and strong. his eyes is going blue and his hair is going black and short. Be very friendly, affectionate and cours very intelligent.Be have a beautiful clothes, clean , orderly and to fashion.for example a black shirt,table pants and black shoes.

Anonymous said...

think is Dr Frankestein no ideal person but my ideal person is my dog becouse not speak, and is very loving

Unknown said...

I think that the ideal person exist...an example is the person that spend time lead 50 years together...the ideal person is the person that one accepts their flaws