What should I think of when buying new clothes?

Buying new clothes is not as simple as most people might think. Where to buy? What to buy? Is it too expensive? Is it an old-fashioned item? However, we almost never think of the quality and intrinsic characteristics of the piece of clothe we are buying. What do you do when you go shopping new clothes? What are the main factors affecting your shopping decisions?


Anonymous said...

yeah, in some cases buying clothes can be very dificult, specialy when you wish change your look or you want to please another person...for example a woman or your girlfriend's parents
in that cases its can be very complicated
... in that case i prefer to ask for help...

Anonymous said...

oops!!! i forgot put my name in the coment
commented by ruben rodriguez

Unknown said...

there is no doubt that activity is very exciting for women,however for the men is not a great plan because they are not thinking that wear every day, so go to the shopping is not very important, although when they get store clothes, sometimes they change their mind and talk and think as a women, in conclusion go to the shopping is nice for both generous.
for me it is a great plan, I like buying high quality,new clothes for examplo last mounth I bought one shirt with my bride and she helped me to choose the color,size and design.the advice is if you have money and friends go the shopping is a good plan.