What should I do?

Everybody has problems - some more difficult than others. However, "every problem has a solution" - that is a quote I heard in the movie Philadelphia and, which I strongly believe in. Now, could you tell us how you usually solve your problems - asking friends for advice, talking to your parents, making an appointment with a psychotherapist, by yourself. Does it usually work? What do you do when you feel "lost"?


paola cacua said...

I think it`s true. all the problems has a solution you just have to look for it.

when I have problems mi first option is a friend. she is madure and objective so, depend of the problem she is always there to me. of course,sometimes her advice is:
"tell to your mom".

Sergio said...

Hi everybody!

First, t think that the problems have a relative mature, which that are big problems for once, are simply situations for someone else. So, in general the problems can be persive as situations in life, and when a situation become a big problem? it's (i think) because i add to it all my prejudices and enclose it in my personal perspective.

at first time I don't ask to someone else about guiance, because in general you don't need add more prejudices to your "problem". So at first time i look for a place where i can be alone and get relax, trying to forget and scape from the situation, a place where i can be with myself and without the "real life"'s noice; when i can get it, i feel that i can think more objective, without pressures or dealines, i can find myself and come down; after that, when my conscience get out again, when i get my life's control again take it off from the darkness of my problems, and only after that, i analize the situation, sometines i pray, and sometimes i only try to find my being's weapons for win this time, so get up and try again, becuase the only thing that you can't do is get knock down and can't get up again!

of course, it's only my way to get the way. Regards!