Enjoy your Holiday!

You are going on Holiday soon. But, Why do people go on holiday, in general? Why don´t they stay at home? And, when you are away from home, spending some time in whatever tourist destination, what do you usually like doing? What are the sports you would like to try on your next "X-treme Holidays"? Tell us all about it. Write a simple text (50-75 words) expressing your honest opinion.


anonimo said...

The people travel in holidays because they need rest and they meet new places,they don't stay at home because is important change the routine. Sometimes i like sleep for long time because i can rest,also i visit my family and my friends.i travel when i have long vacation,always i go to bogota or the colombian caribbean.
I like the x-treme sports, when i am eighteen year old i'm going to practice jumping, it's amazing and very x-treme.

Anonymous said...

My Holiday
What I like to do during your vacation is to travel and learn about places, people, cultures, ways of life. Many people traveling on vacation to relax
and do new things, is like an exercise in which espirutual recharges your energy. sport I like to practice these holidays would be "paragliding".

Anonymous said...

Many people go on holiday or to change the environment to learn and experience new life experiences. The holiday is also a change in a routine way to discover new cultures, customs, people and different parts of the world. I enjoy my holiday travelers to places that do not know, in the company of my family or friends. I love visiting churches, parks and monuments or places of attraction that takes place that I visit. My next vacation I would enjoy practicing sports such as new skydiving or surfing

Anonymous said...

HI Mr. Mario.we think that the holidays are very important for the people because it helps us to relax.we enjoy it too.I am going to visit my family in ocaña city and yeison is going to travel to the coast with his friends.we hope that ours holidays will be a wonderfull experience..

Anonymous said...

Everybody need a break!!! and in special this is very important for the students... although I prefer to stay here in my city with my family and my friends, this is the best idea for me...
In this holiday I'm going to a Gym for doing exercise and to spend the free time... but the most important is to pray, and I'm going to do it!!!

Anonymous said...

the people travel in holiday because, they are work very hard all year

Anonymous said...

hello teacher, our opinion about the text is whit respect to next holiday. usually the Colombian people travel a diferent places,Cartagena,Santa Marta,but in holy week the principals destination are Boyacá, Cundinamarca and Nariño.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think that the "holydays" is a good opportunity to relax, so, the people make severals things that reqularly cann´t do. Very much people go to the another places, cities or in your own city there are several entertainment, but, the people don´t think in the work, in the ordinary problems or in the study, isn´t.

I like walk for the Metropolitan area outside, it is very nice, I love it. The others days I cann´t make it, the work, the study and daily routine are very asphyxiating. Any ocations, I go with my brothers to play soccer, it is very funny, we aren´t the "soccer super stars", but, the games, reaqularly, are very good. It is very great!!! For this reason I like the "Holydays".

Marvin Meneses said...

I don't go for any place on this Holy soon, I need work in the business of my family,
because the economic is so hard. On this Holy soon I'm going to play basket Ball, because
It is my favorite sport and I like so much for your requirements in the jump and the dunks
whit the ball.

DIANA SOTO said...

in colombia the persons take vacations, becouse, our president say that: work, work and work, and more more more work!!!, the life is more that work!! ¡do you can believe it?. travel is the best form of desconated, of the rutine...

MiKe said...

In my case, I study and some days I work, althogh this semester no, so I'm tired all ninghts, so I no want go to vacations because I prefer rest in my house because the after I will have that staudy and work and other things... so I prefer rest that go to vacations..
att: Mike

Daniella said...

Why do people go on holidays? is just because we are humans and we get tired of the daily rutine so we need to have like a 'scape' from it... if we go on holiday to a different place is because we are tired of the place we are living so we need to see a different thing that allows us think and rest and be far from troubles... This is also a good option to practice x-treme sport and do thing that in the daily routine we can't do.

Unknown said...

If I try to relax, I`ll go to countryside. when I stay there, I feel very well. On the other hand, if I want to practice xtreme sports, I`ll choose some place where I can play these sports. For example, a montain, the sea, a river, probably an special city. Colombia has many places where people can go to relax or to practice different things. People need time to do other things, not only their work.