That little thing called love!

Have you ever been in love? How can you be so sure? In the end, what is "to be in love" like? Does love last forever? Remember your last couple... Was it a physical kind of love or a spiritual kind of love? Are you still feeling the same thing for that person? Can all humans experience "true love"? What is "true love" like? Can love resist long distances? What do people usually do to keep that flame of eternal love shining? Think and tell.


July said...

I think that "love" is the "thing" more complicated in the world..! when you "feel in love" you said..he or she is the perfect person for me!..but in a few months you see some bad things in your relation but it`s the perfect proof for you..(think people),.. "if you love you acept this person" (said somepeople) but is "love" the perfect excuse for justifity or put up the other person..? I don`t know, I only think that love or give affection is the best experience in the life whitout import the result.

Libia Carolina said...
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Unknown said...

I think I have been loved,I think I'm not sure, when you feel in love you want the best for your couple and you want that all moments together are super cute and exciting.Does love last forever? It depends of the both, is harder that anyone think before of to share the life with other, but it isn't impossible, requieres much patience and true love.

javier herrera said...

you are perfect for "love for ever"¿why no?

Anonymous said...

you are perfect for "love for ever"¿why no?