Women... so typical!

Why are women so complicated? or , is it just me and my male imagination? When they say "No" they really want to say "Yes". They spend hours and hours shopping and talking on the phone. They spend a lot of money on make-up and unnecessary things. They all want to get married and have children. And the list continues. But, is this a wrong "stereotype"? Are women really like we imagine them? What is a typical woman like? Can you understand them? Explain your opinion and describe them, please.


DIANA SOTO said...

ajjajajaajaj was up men!"!!!! we are not complicated!!!!! this is not funny!!!

Unknown said...

I think that is nice to be a complicated woman.

Unknown said...

i think that a man who is complicated. is not pleasant and i think that is not nice to be a complicated woman.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion women have always seen as objects for general spending, but we are more than that, we have much knowledge, wisdom and science, yet sad that we as human beings in the life narrative

July said...

I think that this estereotype is a big mistake, we`re very intelligents and we used differents estrategies for look very well..!,isn`t necesary more and more things.. or depend of the women..but definitly the woman are very complicated for understand...(ehhh... it`s true...or folse...?I don`t know!)do you believe ...?

moniquita said...

That’s no true!!!!! And what if we spend time doing thing for us. We know how to enjoy our time as the men enjoy his times for example looking soccer, drinking beer. The different is that I use our time for being better and the men spend the time damaging them self and getting out belly with beer.

Unknown said...

I think that different from men the women are so complicated, and I would prefer that they were more predictable, because you never know with them, someday they are so happy, but at the next 10 minutes they are totally turned on angry or into a nervous breakdown
so they excused themselves with the menstruation period, and when they are too old the excuse is the menopause.... so , we as mens don't have all that chances to excuse our behaviour, so we have to find it into the drinking.....

P.S.1: I am not like the men I describe.... :P
P.S.2: I Love You womens.......;P

Unknown said...

I think both women and men could change their stereotypes. I have heard a lot of times that women say they never do something and them they do that. When they are in love they can do anything for us till things they hate. Women are not complicated, we are scared sometimes so we don't take our time to tray to undestand women.

Unknown said...

Moniquita sucks jejejeje :P

Unknown said...

well, i think we are a little bit complicated, but it`s not our fault.
every month we have several hormonal changes so we are not so complicated,is just that men can`t undetstand us.

Diana said...

That`s no true, women aren`t complicated or maybe yes, on some things. But, men are more complicated that women, men are authoritarian and when they must take a desicion they be stressed too much, more than women.

Anonymous said...

my opinon is different,the woman no are so complicated... for example no all they like make up(no my)and i say the tru all the time ....them if you want askme and tell you ...jjejejej see that
is not so hard.