Where does Inspiration come from?

Whenever you read a wonderful story or a magnificent novel you feel different - you believe fiction breaks the physical boundaries of the text! How come? Basically, when you are a good reader, you are one with the story, you are part of the story, everything happens because of you and only for you - the reader, a priviliged witness. Moreover, we feel a close connection with the mind behind the story - with the writer. Where does his/her inspiration come from? Why did he/she write such a fantastic tale? What does he/she want from me? Does he/she want me to criticize his/her work? Does he/she want me to be a new, totally different person? Think and tell...

1 comment:

Juan s. Mariño said...

I agree with you teacher. I think the novels have something breaks the physical boundaries. You entry to the story and imagine all the people and that makes you feel and think you can speak with everybody in the novel, and see them. I believe the writers have a gift. I remember a Colombian writer, Efrain Medina, and in his novel ‘ones upon time the love but I have to kill it’, he said that everybody begins to tell an imaginary story or write, because don’t have any other gift, because he/ she is unhappy with his/her life, and the only way they have to be happy is move to other world, when the happiness really exist. As Einstein said, ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand’, I believe the imagination is the most important gift that everybody can have, and we all can use that imagination to create awesome stories, but we don’t know how to write, and you must practice your imagination and your writing to make extraordinary tales.