What are you afraid of?

People are fearful by nature - death, cemeteries, dead bodies, darkness, strange creatures, ghosts, solitude, rejectment. Why are we always afraid of something? What are the most common things or circumstances we are afraid of? What are you afraid of? What can we do to overcome our deepest fears? Tell us all about it.


Jessik said...

I believe that People is fearful just to be injured. All our fears begin when we don't know something and we think about if that could to be dangerous for our. For example the nigth, we is fearful because we think what could appear evil strange creatures that they could our to do horrible things jajaja. It's is a silly idea but it pass. we always try to know why happen the things?, why is this?, what do we do that? and when we don't have a answers just we think in the worse.
We too are afraid of things that we know that happens, what happens if we pass the street without looking?, or what if I break any rules of society? or worse what if I do something contrary of my religious beliefs? often we act under the pressure of being punished for something we know to be regarded as negative for the other. So don't exist output for our fears. It's necesary for life in harmony with the society.

Unknown said...

I think people always have differents fears like for example death and ghost but for me is more usual find people afraid of animals.

That is my case I hate insects especially cockroaches, they are small but I dont know why they scare me and I know people who have the same fear.

Other animals are the mouses, I think the are very dirty and they scare me a lot.

Really I think that feel fears is normal for humans and it maybe depends for bad experiences.

Unknown said...

I think my fears are not involved with any kind of animal or with paranormal stuff, First of all you can kill a cockroache, you can poison a mouse, you can run from the cementery or turn on the light if you are afraid of darkness... But I think my biggest fear is what would happen if I'm not a succesful person in life, considering work, family, money and physical appearence.
I really really want to have the complete package but I understand that it's going to be tough, and involves hard work, maybe taking in count that happiness or succesful it's a long journey nor just the destination... and I'm worried because I'm a bit lazy hahahhaha no! just kidding, but I think that's my biggest fear! thanks for listen guyssss :'( hahaha