Happiness is around the corner

"The Pursuit of Happiness" is an everlasting quest - we don´t know where it is or even how to get there. Have you got any idea? Do you really know what "happiness" mean? Could you describe it? What are the things or circumstances that make you feel "happy"? So, when you are not "happy", are you "unhappy"? What is that like? Explain all these considerations in detail, please.


Anonymous said...

I think that happiness is not to be found, this comes at any time. We should enjoy these moments

Anonymous said...

The Happiness, is on all corners. If you whant feel happy, only you have to do, is do the things well, make the things right. I don't explain it very well, but for example, I fell good for, I had have good results in a quiz, if i don't have it, i quest the reasons and i work in that reasons. So at next quiz i will do my best for do the things well. So all about this is like a spiral up and a spiral down. You feel good afther that feel bad for something, so you quest the happy again. The problem is when you don't quest be good, so you have to go to the doctor.
Manuel Matute, and yes, yes I am going out

paola cacua said...

Happines, is actually inside you.
all people said: "I would be happy when i got married", i would be happy when i buy my own house", ..."when i buy a new car", "... when i have children".
this have no sense. People are waiting for something or someone to be happy and they don`t understand that happiness come to you many time ago.
every mountain you climb is not a step to happiness, you are happy while you climb it if you learn to enjoy it.

Daniella said...

Happiness is a relative thing... we tried all life to find it because we thing happiness is a object or a person... but we don't stop for a second our life and think that happiness is every single moment we spend with our friends, family and the people we love, happiness is also to enjoy a a simple activity like watch tv, listen to music or doing whatever we like...

Unknown said...

I think people would very happy, if they were in love. When they are in peace whit themselves and other people, they make the first step to find the happiness. Many people think that happinnes is to have much money, but the richest men say that happiness is a complement of three ingredients. The first one is the health, the second one is to be calm theirselves, and the last one the money. but not only the money how many people think.

Miguel Fernando said...

Happyness, a very long word as the path to find it, hey im not saying its difficult to find , what i mean is that the path to happyness is a mental process that can only be manage by yourself..