Men... so typical!

As a young man, I can say there many things women think we like doing all the time: watching football, talking and hanging out with our friends, drinking lots of beer, driving cars, riding motorbikes, cheating our girlfriends, thinking of sex, just to mention some. But, are all man like this? Is it a wrong "stereotype"? Are really men like women imagine us? What is a typical man like? Explain your opinion and describe them, please.


jesufer said...

I did´t read anything. Anyway, I´ll post my comments.

jesufer said...

Most of men, I think, are typical men, no everyman in the world. I can say that stereotypes is not right, and women have the chance to know us deeply, and then they can judge us, and, forgive us if necesary. ;-p. I am just kidding. We make mistakes, so they do, and we all (women and men) have to be conscious that we have to be equal in rights, but different in our likes and dislikes. :-)

Anonymous said...

the typical men are very ordinay and simple and today are typical men.
I don't like the typical men

Unknown said...

I think that the text's stereotypes are not right, but sometimes we like doing this things... but not ever! :]

Unknown said...

I thought that all of us as mens sometimes qe have done something like the ones you've mentioned before, but the womens stereotype about men is quite wrong. I don't know.....

Jorge Luis said...

Being honest,I agree with some of the tipical things that we are thinking all the time, this topic involve the majority of the men, but not all of them. However, I think that this happen because of the our genetic or our narute and of what we find around us; I mean, what every man wants to do and what he wish, the most of the times has the same trends and likes compared to the rest of the our gender.