Telling an amazing tale: composing a story!

Your teacher knows there are great writers in the class, so he wants you to consider sending a short-story (60-70 words) to one prestigious international magazine to be published next month. However, the people organizing this contest want you to begin your story with the following line: "Rose had a special reason to wake up early that morning, so she set her alarm clock at 4:30 a.m.". What you have to do is write the rest of the story, using a lot of linking words (for instance: so, moreover, however, later, finally) and a wide vocabulary. Good luck!

People are very different from each other!

Everybody in our family is a special person. They are serious, lazy, hard-working, responsible, moody - in other words, they are like you or me. Choose one person in your dear family and compare him/her with you. Write one short paragragh (30-40 words) using different comparative statements (e.g. My brother is 2o cm. taller than me. - My grandfather is the tallest person I know.).

Getting inked: Tattoos are cool!

We are not born with them but many die with hundreds all over their bodies. Why do they do it? Tattoos have been part of human cultures right from the beginning. However, their true meaning has changed dramatically - from social status within a close community to a trendy fashion style among young and adventurous people. Why is it different now? What do you think of the people who like wearing tattoos? Would you like to have a tattoo? What kind of tattoo? Where? How much money are you willing to pay for it? How much pain can you tolerate? Think about it and write your opinion.

Cosmetic Surgery: should I do it?

Nowadays people are always looking for the perfect body - they go on extreme diets, do a lot of exercise and have a healthy lifestyle. However, Science, Medicine in particular, offers a more practical and effective solution: cosmetic surgery. Nonetheless, there are many questions we should think over before making such a radical decision: Should I undergo an always risky cosmetic surgery? What part of my body could I improve? How many cosmetic surgeries can I afford? Am I going to be a different person after the surgery? Am I doing this for the wrong reasons? Is my self-esteem going to be affected? Think of these and other questions and write your opinion.

Animals at home: pets or pests?

Nowadays, millions of families share their lives with one or more kinds of animal species - dogs, cats, insects, rodents, reptiles, birds, just to mention some of them. But, why do people do that? Having animals at home imply readapting ourselves so we offer these species the best conditions away from their natural habitats. However, for some people this human tradition is nothing but human cruelty: cages, restrictions, and animal abuse. What do you think, should people have animals at home or not?

How come you don´t like English?

Learning, at least, one Foreign Language is a Must-Do these days. However, people are reluctant to take up any sort of course where learning a language is the ultimate goal. Why do people usually have problems when learning a Foreign Language? Does Learning Languages is encouraged at Home? Why should we learn different languages and would be the best methodology to do so?

Breaking up: two separate ways

I have always thought "Love does not last forever" - at least that is what life has shown me so far. There is a time for sharing with somebody else - there is a time when we look for someone whom we want to share our time with. Unfortunately, different circumstances lead us into one decision: breaking up. What should people do right after making this decision? Is being "good friends" possible afterwards? How long should people wait until start looking for a new couple?

Show me the Money!

People must work in order to earn some money for their own - this is the simpliest definition of Modern Society. However, we not always do what we love doing - there are millions of cases of people who must do things they do not like doing - the salary is bad, the boss is stressing, the daily schedule is chaotic, their colleagues are the worst people ever, among other things. Then, what about you? What is your dream job like? Does it require a lot of theoretical/technical trainning? Is it well-paid? Does it involve working with people? Is it Outdoors or Indoors? Is it dangerous? Does it involve travelling? Do you have to make crucial decisions? Tell us all about it.

Dig in!

There are a lot of different places we might go to looking for delicious dishes. However, not all the places are the same: prices, service, ingredients, among other factors to take into consideration. Where do you usually like going when eating out? Why? What do you look for when searching for "A Great Place to Eat!"? On the other hand, which are the worst places to eat in town? Why? Please, be a food critic for a moment and be honest!

How can I be part of the solution?

When there is something not working pretty well we must find a way to fix it. However, not everybody is willing to contribute, specially when the solution demands sacrifice and true commitment. Now, think of yourself as a University Student - throwing rocks or proposing solutions? What can university students accomplish when using violent ways to express their discomfort? What would be an effective mechanism to implement practical, democratic alternatives? Think and tell.

Movies that rock!

I love going to the cinema because I like watching movies - but just the good ones. I have always thought the kind of things that happen in the films might happen to me - that one day I could be like them, like a hollywood star: being chased by a 1o-meter horrible creature at night, trying to save the world from an alien invasion, meeting the girl of my dreams right after a natural disaster, and things like that. And you, What would you like to "experience" for real that you saw in a movie? Is your life a Drama movie already? Or a Comedy? Would you like to be part of a hollywood production someday? What kind of story would tou like to star? Tell us all about it.

Sexual Orientation: Should we ask?

"Diversity and respect should always be together, one being an intrinsic characteristic of the other one - but when it comes to sexual orientation, that never happens" - anybody may reach this conclusion after analyzing for a second how modern society treats people who openly express their Homosexuality. What do you think about Homosexualism? Is it wrong? Is it against nature? Is it just a phase of Identity Crisis? Is it possible to love someone from the same gender? What does Religion have to say about it? Can homosexuals raise children and have a family? Be honest and tell us what your opinion and ideas are.

Where does Inspiration come from?

Whenever you read a wonderful story or a magnificent novel you feel different - you believe fiction breaks the physical boundaries of the text! How come? Basically, when you are a good reader, you are one with the story, you are part of the story, everything happens because of you and only for you - the reader, a priviliged witness. Moreover, we feel a close connection with the mind behind the story - with the writer. Where does his/her inspiration come from? Why did he/she write such a fantastic tale? What does he/she want from me? Does he/she want me to criticize his/her work? Does he/she want me to be a new, totally different person? Think and tell...

Just like you!

Parents usually want the best in the world for their children - that`s kind of logical. However, sometimes they simply want too much! They expect a lot from their children, and that means their children have to do their best to please their parents. Have you ever felt that kind of pressure? Do you usually do what your parents tell you to do - even when you don`t want to do it? How can you make them understand that`s not what you want for your life? What happens when parents try to impose their ideas and don`t listen to their children? Tell us your opinion.

That little thing called love!

Have you ever been in love? How can you be so sure? In the end, what is "to be in love" like? Does love last forever? Remember your last couple... Was it a physical kind of love or a spiritual kind of love? Are you still feeling the same thing for that person? Can all humans experience "true love"? What is "true love" like? Can love resist long distances? What do people usually do to keep that flame of eternal love shining? Think and tell.

What are you afraid of?

People are fearful by nature - death, cemeteries, dead bodies, darkness, strange creatures, ghosts, solitude, rejectment. Why are we always afraid of something? What are the most common things or circumstances we are afraid of? What are you afraid of? What can we do to overcome our deepest fears? Tell us all about it.

Why am I studying this career?

You understand the importance of making "good decisions" everyday - but don´t make good decisions all the time, right? For example, what do you study? Why do you study that and not something different? Did you make a good decision when you decided to study that career? What were the factors you considered? Did anybody influence your decision? Are you considering studying a different career? Why? Please, tell us all about it.

Men... so typical!

As a young man, I can say there many things women think we like doing all the time: watching football, talking and hanging out with our friends, drinking lots of beer, driving cars, riding motorbikes, cheating our girlfriends, thinking of sex, just to mention some. But, are all man like this? Is it a wrong "stereotype"? Are really men like women imagine us? What is a typical man like? Explain your opinion and describe them, please.

Women... so typical!

Why are women so complicated? or , is it just me and my male imagination? When they say "No" they really want to say "Yes". They spend hours and hours shopping and talking on the phone. They spend a lot of money on make-up and unnecessary things. They all want to get married and have children. And the list continues. But, is this a wrong "stereotype"? Are women really like we imagine them? What is a typical woman like? Can you understand them? Explain your opinion and describe them, please.

I hate this class!

University students are characterized by their clear, well-structured criteria: they are critical students by definition. Are you? Let´s see: Could you tell us what your "best class" is? Why do you consider so? And, could you tell us what your "worst class" is? Why do you consider so? Explain everybody what the problem is, please. Write a honest comment, be fair: Is it because of a "bad teacher"? Is it a "boring class"? Is it "too early" or "too late"? What is wrong with that subject?

It is on the Menu!

The waiter makes you an offer "Would you like a banana and peanut butter sandwich? Maybe some pineapple juice"?. What do you tell him: "Yes, please" or "No, thank you"? Your answer depends on your personal preferences, right? What are your favourite dishes - those that make you say "Mmm! Delicious! I want some more, please!"? What is the food you don´t eat at all - those dishes that make you say "Yuk! Disgusting! I feel like throwing up!"? Express your personal preferences, explain your reasons - use "I love...", "I really like...", "I quite like...", "I like...", "I don´t like... very much", or "I don´t like... at all". Be honest, please.

Enjoy your Holiday!

You are going on Holiday soon. But, Why do people go on holiday, in general? Why don´t they stay at home? And, when you are away from home, spending some time in whatever tourist destination, what do you usually like doing? What are the sports you would like to try on your next "X-treme Holidays"? Tell us all about it. Write a simple text (50-75 words) expressing your honest opinion.

Born Free - Wild Spirit!

Think carefully, there are two options for you: playing football with your friends, as usual, or doing something new and absolutely risky... Are you a "Wild Spirit" - someone who is ready to do whatever it takes to feel free, a rebellious mind? Or , do you prefer calm, quiet, smooth free-time activities? What kind of person are you? Tell us, we want to know.

Happiness is around the corner

"The Pursuit of Happiness" is an everlasting quest - we don´t know where it is or even how to get there. Have you got any idea? Do you really know what "happiness" mean? Could you describe it? What are the things or circumstances that make you feel "happy"? So, when you are not "happy", are you "unhappy"? What is that like? Explain all these considerations in detail, please.

My Dreams for the Future

People change everyday - life makes us "readapt" and "readopt" new life projects. Take five minutes to consider the "New You" you will turn into soon: What do you see? What will your expectations and greatest ambitions be? Would you like to get married and have some children? Are you going to continue studying after college graduation? Would you like to buy a flat, a bike, a car? Do you want to be an entrepreneur? Tell us all about it - write a simple text, expressing both your short-term and long-term personal and professional goals. (100 words).

If we lived in a better world...

People are the most terrible predators in nature - that`s for sure. Every animal specie on this planet is afraid of us - but fear is not respect. They are afraid of us because of what we are doing to their habitat, to our environment! Have you ever thought of living in a better world? How do you imagine that "better place to live"? What would you do if you were there, part of that "dream"? Be very descriptive, please.

What should I do?

Everybody has problems - some more difficult than others. However, "every problem has a solution" - that is a quote I heard in the movie Philadelphia and, which I strongly believe in. Now, could you tell us how you usually solve your problems - asking friends for advice, talking to your parents, making an appointment with a psychotherapist, by yourself. Does it usually work? What do you do when you feel "lost"?

Ask a fortune teller!

Have you got any idea what your life is going to be five years from now? No? Don´t worry, nobody knows what life is going to be even tomorrow! But, what you can do is think of what you might be doing then, or better, what your precise, concrete plans are: What are you going to do after graduating? Are you going to get married and have a lot of children? Will you live abroad? Are you saving money in the bank to fulfil all these goals? Tell us more, please!

The greatest invention ever!

Modern societies are too different from the ancient ones. Why? Because of the people - because of the ways people see and interpret the world around them. Unfortunately, not everything is as positive as we might expect. There will always be people who will try to benefit themselves by hurting others, using others, sacrifing others`s lives. Fortunately, for every evil spirit, there are many other good ones who, by creating and offering the world their brilliant ideas, have made modern life posible and , usually, better for most of us: inventors and visionary men and women. What do you think is the best invention in Modern History? Why? How does this invention affect our lives? Write a short, simple text explaining your viewpoint.

Movie Stars: love or loathe them?

There is a general conception about film stars: they live parallel lives. How different is the person behind the celebrity? What is the typical movie star like? Why do people admire them so avidly? Are they positive "Role Models" for the youngest generations? What do you think? Write one short, simple text explaining your viewpoint about celebrities and their influence among general audiences.

Packing or not packing? That´s the question!

You go on holiday to a remote, exotic destination alone. Alone but prepared for whatever might happen... So, you must pack all the items you might need or use while you are away. What exactly are you packing? Make a list of the ten (10) most necessary things everybody should pack when going on holiday.

Tell me a story!

Writing short-stories is one difficult task: you must consider "the profile" of your potential readers; every word counts; the title should be "catchy" so people feel like reading your story; and, it shouldn`t be like other previously written stories - it must be 100% original! Think about these aspects and write a nice short-story (150-200 words) where you are one of the main characters.

What should I think of when buying new clothes?

Buying new clothes is not as simple as most people might think. Where to buy? What to buy? Is it too expensive? Is it an old-fashioned item? However, we almost never think of the quality and intrinsic characteristics of the piece of clothe we are buying. What do you do when you go shopping new clothes? What are the main factors affecting your shopping decisions?

What is your "ideal person" like?

Think of a person who does not exist! Become Dr. Victor Frankestein and describe the person you have just created. Tell others about: (A) His/Her Physical Appearance, (B) Personality features, and (C) The clothes he/she is wearing. Let`s build a sexy monster to love!

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I have created this blog to help students of English as a Foreign Language explore their writing abilities by publishing and sharing their texts with other students. You are invited to be part of this activity by sending your comments, proposing topics for further discussion, and/or helping others with their writing mistakes.